
Week 12 Matches  18 Apr 2006
| JCA vs Hotshots, Hotshots win by destruction on Sinul.
PLAF vs ECF, PLAF wins by destruction after 1h 30m of battle on Anilym.
Roughnecks vs AFC, AFC wins by destruction on Anilym.
Reports here.
Week 11 Matches  18 Apr 2006
| SWEC vs JCA, JCA wins by destruction after 2h 3m of fighting on Anilym.
AFC vs PLAF, PLAF wins by destruction on Feta.
Roughnecks vs ECF, both teams draw after match time limit of 3 hours expires on Anilym.
Reports here.
Week 10 Matches  18 Apr 2006
| PLAF vs SWEC, PLAF wins by destruction seconds before match time limit expires on Feta.
Hotshots vs Roughnecks, Hotshots win by destruction on Anilym.
ECF vs AFC, AFC wins by destruction after 2h 3m of battle on Anilym.
Reports here.
Week 9 Matches  18 Apr 2006
| RN vs JCA, JCA wins by destruction after 1h 17m of fighting on Anilym.
AFC vs Hotshots, AFC wins by destruction after 1h 18m of fighting on Feta.
SWEC vs ECF, SWEC wins by destruction after 2h 10m of fighting on Anilym.
Reports here.
Week 8 Matches  18 Apr 2006
| JCA vs AFC, Heli rush tactic gives AFC a win by destruction after JCA looses MHQ to Resistance on Sinul.
Hotshots vs SWEC, Heli rush tactic ends the game in 14 minutes with a win by destruction for the Hotshots on Sinul.
PLAF vs RN, Draw after 3h of game play on Anilym.
Reports here.
Week 7 Matches  18 Apr 2006
| SWEC vs AFC, destruction win by AFC
JCA vs EFC, town win by JCA
HS vs PLAF, destruction win by HS
Reports here.
Week 6 matches  31 Jan 2006
| EFC vs HS, win for HS
PLAF vs JCA, draw
RN vs SWEC, draw
Good work, and I hope everyone enjoyed the week.
Week 5 matches  28 Jan 2006
| Match between Alcoholic FC and Roughnecks ended with AFC destruction win.
Match between ECF and PLAF ended in a draw.
Match between JCA and Hotshots ended with HS destruction win. |
SWEC vs Hotshot  12 Dec 2005
| First game in season 6
SWEC vs HotShot was a draw.
the report can be read here. |
CTITC season 6 starts NOW!!  3 Dec 2005
| The first week of ctitc s.06 starts with week one,
10 december - 17 december.
the tables and teams is anounced soon here and in forum.
( latest tursday 8-dec )
So DL the maps and make your strategy for the probably last OFP ctitc.
( we got a last sec registration that we have to look in to )
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There are 60 news.