Sunday 16 February 
Season 8
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Season 8 - Week 5 Match Results  4 Apr 2008
MP vs JCL - Match is a draw after 3 hours of fighting on Trinity.
UA vs SWEC - Each team receives 1 point when server declares a draw on Treah.
HS vs AFC - Hotshots destroy AFC in one hour on Schippio for a win.
SAM vs PLAF - SAM players HUIHUI and WF1979 hunt down PLAF and destroy a small base plus the MHQ in 10 minutes on Treah.

Match reports can be found here.

Season 8 - Week 4 Match Results  4 Apr 2008
SWEC vs HS - Hotshots win by destruction on Schippio.
JCL vs SAM - SAM destoys JCL on Dravoc for the win.
UA vs MP - MP holds on to first place by destroying UA on Schippio in the final minutes of the match.

Match reports can be found here.

Season 8 - Week 3 Match Results  17 Feb 2008
JCL vs PLAF - PLAF wins by destruction on Schippio.
HS vs UA - Hotshots destroy UA on Treah in under one hour of game play.
SAM vs AFC - SAM smashes AFC for a destruction win on Trinity.
MP vs SWEC - Both teams fight it out for three hours and draw on Schippio.

Match reports can be found here.

Season 8 - Week 2 Match Results  11 Feb 2008
UA vs JCL - JCL controls all towns to win on Dravoc.
PLAF vs HS - HS takes an easy 2 points for a walkover when PLAF is a no show for match.
AFC vs SWEC - AFC destroys SWEC for the win on Dravoc.
MP vs SAM - MP wins by destruction on Trinity and moves into first place.

Match reports can be found here.

Season 8 - Week 1 Match Results  4 Feb 2008
UA vs PLAF - PLAF wins by destruction on Schippio.
JCL vs AFC - Match is a draw after 3 hours on Trinity.
Hotshots vs MP - MP wins by destruction after 1hr 20m or fighting on Trinity.
SWEC vs SAM - SAM wins by destruction on Treah.

Match reports can be found here.

Season 8 Matches Begin January 28th  31 Dec 2007
Team registration ends on January 6th and matches will begin during the week of January 28th.

Season 8 Registration Begins  5 Dec 2007
Get your teams together for battle and post them here.

Season will start around the end of January

CTITC Takes a Summer Break.  15 Apr 2007
The CTITC will take a training break during the summer and resume with Season 8 in October 2007.

Team registration will begin October 1st.

Hotshots Win Season 7 Championship  8 Apr 2007
Hotshots and United Anarchy battle it out on Freya CTI for 3 hours, but the Hotshots move in with a large scale M1A1 attack to win by destruction and take the Season 7 title.

Match report can be found here.

Hotshots Win Finals Match #1  2 Apr 2007
After 2 hours of fighting on Neveron, Hotshots are victorious over UA by destruction.

Match report can be found here.

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