
Season 8 - Semi-Finals Match  2 Jun 2008
| Hotshots vs AFC - Hotshots destroy AFC on Schippio in two hours of match play.
MP vs SAM - SAM scouts WF1979, HUIHUI, and AK007 cause trouble for MP as they hunt down MP's MHQ and destroy it in ten minutes for the win on Trinity.
Congratulations Hotshots and SAM. Good luck in the finals.
Match reports can be found here.
Season 8 - Week 14 Match Results  12 May 2008
| PLAF vs MP - PLAF wins by destruction on Malden.
JCL vs SWEC - SWEC is unable to supply a team so JCL takes a WO.
SAM vs HS - Match ends in a draw after three hours of fighting on Dravoc.
AFC vs UA - AFC wins by destruction on Trinity.
Match reports can be found here.
Season 8 - Week 13 Match Results  28 Apr 2008
| SWEC vs PLAF - Shelling is plentiful but no win for either team this week as they draw on Trinity.
MP vs AFC - MP destroys AFC and sends them home crying for a win on Treah.
UA vs SAM - SAM move in to every town and control the citizen's minds and money for a win on Trinity.
HS vs JCL - JCL continues their bad luck streak this season as they lose to first place team Hotshots on Malden.
Match reports can be found here.
Season 8 - Week 12 Match Results  20 Apr 2008
| UA vs SWEC - Both teams battle for 3 hours and end the match in a draw on Treah.
PLAF vs SAM - PLAF control all towns and vote themselves in as rulers of Malden for a win.
JCL vs MP - JCL defends well but MP destroys JCL in 2h 34m for the win on Schippio.
AFC vs HS - AFC have some bad luck and lose their MHQ early in the game but manage to fight for 1h 56m before Hotshots destroy them on Dravoc.
Match reports can be found here.
Season 8 - Week 11 Match Results  13 Apr 2008
| The battle for last place intensifies as the top four teams pull away with only three weeks of match play remaining
SAM vs JCL - Sam scouts WF and HUIHUI seek and destroy JCL in 18 minutes on Dravoc for a win.
PLAF vs AFC - Former two time CTITC champions AFC remember what it is like to be top dog while destroying PLAF on Trinity.
MP vs UA - A coordinated attack by MP with only 10 minutes on the clock destroys UA and gives MP a win on Trinity.
HS vs SWEC - A perfectly coordinated A10 strike by NeoG with the targeting precision of player 13's laser designator destroys SWEC on Schippio giving the Hotshots a five point lead in first place.
Match reports can be found here.
Season 8 - Week 10 Match Results  6 Apr 2008
| SWEC vs MP - Two time CTITC champions SWEC get their first win in S8 after they control all towns on Malden.
AFC vs SAM - Teams draw on Treah after 3 hours of fighting.
UA vs HS - Hotshots protect first place after destroying United Anarchy in 1h 7m of battle on Schippio.
PLAF vs JCL - PLAF dominates the battlefield as they destroy JCL in 1h 12m on Treah.
Match reports can be found here.
Season 8 - Week 9 Match Results  6 Apr 2008
| HS vs PLAF - First place team Hotshots destroy PLAF on Treah to maintain a solid lead in Season 8.
SWEC vs AFC - Fanatic's debut in S8 helps lead AFC to a destruction win in 1h 15m over SWEC on Trinity.
SAM vs MP - Both teams draw after 3 hours of fighting on Treah.
JCL vs UA - UA wins.
Match reports can be found here.
Season 8 - Week 8 Match Results  6 Apr 2008
| PLAF vs UA - Both teams march to battle on Schippio but end in a draw at 3 hours and have a beer.
AFC vs JCL - AFC destroys JCL in 1h 11m of game play for a win.
SAM vs SWEC - SAM scouts create problems for SWEC and help SAM to a win by destruction on Trinity.
MP vs HS - Hotshots receive some help from the Resistance who destroy MP's MHQ in first five minutes on Schippio giving Hotshots the win and a nice lead in first place.
Match reports can be found here.
Season 8 - Week 7 Match Results  4 Apr 2008
| Season is half over. Seven more weeks.
MP vs PLAF - Both teams battle it out on Treah but end in a draw at 3 hours.
UA vs AFC - UA wins their first match of the season after destroying AFC on Schippio in 1h 32m.
SWEC vs JCL - SWEC fought hard with hopes of a first win this season but JCL held them back for a draw on Trinity.
HS vs SAM - CTITC S7 champions Hotshots win by destruction on Trinity and move into first place.
Match reports can be found here.
Season 8 - Week 6 Match Results  4 Apr 2008
| JCL vs HS - Hotshots march onto Trinity and destroy JCL in 1h 35m.
SWEC vs PLAF - Dravoc is a safer place after the match ends in a draw.
UA vs SAM - Both teams lay down their weapons as the game ends in a draw on Schippio.
AFC vs MP - MP remains undefeated after destroying AFC on the island of Malden.
Match reports can be found here.
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